
Andres Huerta is the Pastor of Living Way C.F. in Maywood California. For many years he lived a life as a gang member. He grew up in a rough neighborhood with a single mother and five siblings, he spent his life in and out of prison. He nearly loss his life in several moments due to drugs and gang violence. At the age of 26, his way of life caught up with him, he found himself facing a double life sentence in prison due to his lifestyle. It was a time of reflection, a moment where the reality of his criminal life really started sinking in, where the bitterness, sorrow, anger, hatred and no sense of hope were consume in his soul. In his darkest moment, God's grace and mercy began to reach to penetrate through the heart of Andres. Romans 5:8 says, "But God demonstrates His own love towards us, in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us." In response through the Holy Spirit in the mist of a dark and desperate moment of life, Andres responded with a cry for redemption and forgiveness to Jesus Christ fervently and wholeheartedly repenting of his sin and confessing Jesus as Lord. Since,  Andres has never looked back but only forward to serve Jesus Christ as Lord and Saviour. Today Andres is happily married to Silvia Huerta with the blessing of 4 boys (Andrew, Patrick, Jakub and Phillip) Andres is called to serve God as a Pastor/Preacher of the gospel of Jesus Christ. He is ministering to many young men and women of the same lifestyle and reaching out to many other diverse backgrounds with the Favor of God and the precious people who work along side of him to fulfill the very call of God.